Fill out the form below to upload your receipt and provide your contact details.
Save your receipt showing the date you shopped, the address of the Ramara business where you shopped and the amount you spent.
Shop at a local business between 9:00AM on Monday, October 16 and midnight on Sunday, November 26.
How can Shoppers Participate in the 2023 Shop with Us Ramara Campaign?
Contest Rules
Receipts must be shopping at a participating Ramara business and must include the name and address of the business as well as the amount spent
One prize per week will be drawn on Wednesday, November 28 and winners will be notified at the email address provided at the time their receipts were uploaded
Week Six: 9:00 AM on Monday, November,13 - 12:00 Midnight on Sunday, November 26.
Week Five: 9:00 AM on Monday, November, 13 - 9:00 AM on Monday, November 20.
Week Four: 9:00 AM on Monday, November 6 - 9:00 AM on Monday, November 13.
Week Three: 9:00 AM on Monday, October 30 - 9:00 AM on Monday, November 6
Week Two: 9:00 AM on Monday, October 23 - 9:00 AM on Monday, October 30
Week One: 9:00 AM on Monday, October 16 - 9:00AM on Monday, October 23.
Each week, shoppers are eligible to enter receipts as follows:
Shopping must occur between:
Upload Your Receipt
Stay updated about local business in Ramara and learn about our 2023 Shop With Us Ramara campaign!